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Prof. Dr. jur. Dr. phil. Michel Friedman

Michel Friedman
© Gaby Gerster

Prof. Dr. jur. Dr. phil. Julien Michel Friedman is a German-French jurist, philosopher, journalist, author and moderator. He hosted Hessen radio's political discussion programme Vorsicht! (watch out!) Friedman from 1998 - 2003 and the ARD's Friedman programme from 2001, has moderated other radio programmes, such as Studio Friedman since 2004, Friedman schaut hin and Open End onWeltN24 since 2021, is also a regular guest on television, appearing on Auf ein Wort … and Der Tag on Deutsche Welle. He hosted the Democracy Forum in Hambacher castle for the SWR and is a regular guest at the at Berliner Ensemble (a theatre) since 2017, hosting Friedman im Gespräch (a talk show). He started hosting a new series of events at Frankfurt's Jewish Museum: Denken ohne Geländer (thinking freely) in 2020, and can be heard on regular podcasts: Zukunft Denken (Think forwards/of the Future) for the Jewish weekly magazine tachles. Michel Friedman is an Honorary Professor at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences and was Manager Director of the Centre for Applied European Studies (CAES). In September 2022 he joined the boards of trustees for »Orte der deutschen Demokratiegeschichte (places in the history of German democracy)« and the Jewish Museum in Berlin.